When I was asked by the wonderful owner, Eileen, of
I have LOVED this store for years, since I first stepped foot
in the Utah store. I had hoped and prayed (well....almost) for it to open it's doors here in Arizona. It was a long, impatient wait, but it finally arrived last year!
I have spent many a day (and a pretty penny my husband would add!) in this store!
If you have not been there before, PLEASE rush over and check it out now! And, did I mention the prices?! AHmazing!
First to shop, and second to ogle at my beautiful work! ;) hee hee...had to throw that one in there!
Here are some images of this fabulous store and my images.
Thanks again Eileen for asking me, I am honored.
They have the CUTEST baby room decor and display and Colby was so excited to see HIS picture in a store we visit often! It was too funny to see him stare at his baby picture! ;)
They also have the CUTEST signs! If I had the hubby's permission, I would wallpaper my wall with all their sayings! This one is pretty fitting!